Personal Coaching

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In addition to his work in hypnosis, Brandon is a Subconscious Success Coach who practices solution-focused coaching based on the practices, techniques and philosophy of Erickson Coaching International. He is an alumni of the Erickson program “The Art & Science of Coaching.”

A member of the International Coach Federation, Brandon is in the process of gaining advanced international coaching accreditations. His coaching practice follows the Code of Ethics of the ICF.

An exceptional communicator and creative thinker, Brandon works with clients to help them reach peak performance in life and work. Based on the client’s vision of success, Brandon coaches clients to identify their values-based goals and the requisite steps they feel necessary to create their pathway to personal success.

With his unique and distinct skills as both a Certified Professional Hypnotist and Certified Professional Coach, Brandon’s clients have the option to choose a customized, client-centred motivational program that is exclusively comprised of (1) hypnosis or (2) coaching, or (3), a specialized in-depth program of personal development that includes separate components of hypnosis and personal coaching that are focused on the same goal outcome. Brandon_head_no_background_edited-1

Brandon’s strong foundation and skills in communication, human relations, leadership, planning, and personnel development was honed over a 30-year career in regional and national media, and more than two decades spent in senior management and operations.

After 30 years of working in print and broadcast media arenas where his focus was on telling peoples’ stories, Brandon navigated a life and career shift to work exclusively in hypnosis and personal coaching to play a pivotal role in helping people to create the next chapter life stories.

Contact Brandon today to request a free, confidential 30-minute, no-obligation telephone consultation.